Identity Shift
How to Create Meaningful, Permanent Change when The Only Way Out is Through
Have you ever faced a situation that was so dire that you had to change it? Have you ever wrestled with a seemingly insurmountable challenge piled every which way with contradictions, booby traps and gotchas? Have you ever felt like your life navigation system was broken and spinning in depression, terror, despair, grief, rage, anxiety, anger, hatred - or worse, multiple combinations at once? Have you faced difficult choices in the face of violence or threats? Have you felt immobilized by seemingly insolvable quandaries in your relationships, career or social life?
More importantly, Are you looking for help breaking out of these patterns?
Identity Shift is a summary of John Jensen’s his 20-year journey healing from childhood sexual abuse, and techniques he’s learned to facilitate healing and growth along the way. Identity Shift
lays out a map to the structure of:
your relationship with yourself
your family of origin
systemic cultural imbalances
that conspire to keep you off your center
provides a set of tools for you to take back your power
includes references to resources you can use to grow forward
It is the core framework that John used to heal childhood sexual trauma in his own life, and uses as the basis of his practice to springboard clients into their thriving future.
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Working Outline
Identity Shift: How to Create Meaningful, Permanent Change when The Only Way Out is Through
A. Background Context
I. John Jensen’s 20-year quest to heal childhood sexual abuse: Origin Story in the structure of the Hero's Journey
A. Central role of emotions
II. Theory
A. Identity as a created structure that relates being to belonging
B. power of story
C. emotions as a navigation tool
D. Story
E. Boundary between Self and Other
F. Generational Patterning
G. Mythos of Conscious Directive - “It’s my fault”
H. Mind-Body Connection
I. Social Context
III. How to create Identity Shift: a Template
A. Outcome First
B. What story did I make up about it? becoming aware of what is
C. Making the Shift
D. Layers of the Onion
E. Facilitated Shift
IV. Selected Stories
A. Selected Story
B. Selected Story
C. Selected Story
V. Epilogue
A. You are the God/Godeess/Diety you seek